Contribute to the future of Young Africa: invest in impact

Young Africa has exciting news! Recently we opened up the opportunity for our network to invest in the impact of our organisation.

We are growing fast. So fast, that our headquarters moved to a new location in Harare, Zimbabwe. Our new office can house more colleagues and has a dedicated training facility to share our successful method of youth empowerment with other NGOs.

We chose to finance our headquarters by issuing social impact bonds of Euro 10,000 each. The uptake has been great. The good news? There are still 3 of the 40 bonds available. You can get one, or more, bond(s) and get an annual return of investment from 2 to 3% interest depending on the time of the loan. A win-win situation, for you and for us: we firmly establish ourselves in larger headquarters and you get interest on your funds.

Do you want to invest for impact or do you know people who might be interested?

Do get in touch at Your money is our future!