Who we are

We believe in the transformative power of young people and in the huge potential of Africa. We invest in youth through integrated skills training for employability and entrepreneurship.

Young Africa

Youth unemployment is a huge problem in Africa that demands a bold solution. We therefore believe we need to train as many youths as possible.

Young Africa is a confederation of independently and locally registered affiliated NGOs. Each affiliate runs training centres, youth (self-) employment programmes and community activities. Currently, we have nine training centres in five countries in Southern Africa. Young Africa International is the founder of the confederation. It safeguards the vision, supports the work of the affiliates and seeks to expand our reach.

We work with two innovations in skills training: the franchise model and our integral approach to youth development.

Immanuel Indongo says Young Africa has changed his life. He gained technical skills in carpentry and with the integrated Life Skills training he is successful and valued in his newly-found job.

Our mission

  • We teach students skills of the hands to make them self-reliant
  • Skills of heart and mind to live with dignity and responsibility
  • Skills of the soul to live with purpose

Sara Jacussemba Francisco could not save enough money to attend university. Still eager to learn and develop, she decided to follow a course in agricultural mechanics. After graduation, she found an internship where she could gain hands-on work experience. Read about her story of success. 

Our Vision

To contribute to a world of equality and shared wealth by channelling the power of young people to transform the world around them.

Our Strategy

To train half a million youths by 2025.

We aim to achieve this by expanding our centres and their capacity throughout Southern Africa and by disseminating our unique youth empowerment model to other organisations.

A big ambition? Definitely. But youth unemployment is a huge problem that demands a bold solution.

Read the Strategic Plan of 2024 – 2026 here.

Our story

We believe we have to train as many youths as possible. To help us get there, Young Africa International works with a dedicated team of experts.


Read more about us.